Thursday, 28 February 2013

"Here comes the sun"

Wow, we actually had sun and a blue sky here yesterday!! I could hardly believe it!
That meant running outside and soaking up as much light as possible. Did you have a nice day too?

Tuesday, 26 February 2013


*Drool* - this yummie bun is crying for my TLC. ;)

Just got back from training and I must say, although I hadn't expected it to go well I actually beat my personal record. Sometimes you just have to go for it and shouldn't let feeling weak keep you from trying.

Monday, 25 February 2013

Chocolate Goodness

We all know a girl needs chocolate sometimes. Today was such a day. So I treated myself to a very high quality collection of chocolate goodness. Naturally I didn't have all of it at once ;)

Now it's dinner and a movie. Though "Knocked up" is a little trashy, I do think it's entertaining and I like Katherine Heigl. So, I'm off to fix me a nice salad...

Wish you all a cosy evening!

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Brunch and Tattoos

Good morning!

Isn't it great to enjoy the weekend having long breakfasts and brunchs without having to worry about the time? While enjoying my food I was once again thinking about getting a tattoo. I can't really make up my mind as to what I want. Should it be tiny or medium-sized? Do I want colour (rather not)? Writing or a symbol (or maybe both). If I do this, I really want something that matters to me. Something with a deeper meaning and something I would want to look at every single day. I thought of having one on my inner forearm. Well, I guess I just overthink everything a little too much and should probably just go for it but that's not who I am. I'm very much for natural looks and don't even dye my hair. With a tattoo I would be making a longlasting decision and although I now think they're extremely cool, who can say what I'll think in about 10 years.

Do you guys have tattoos? And did you go through a similarly frustrating deciding process?

Friday, 22 February 2013

Beauty Products

I thought I'd show you my cosmetic staples for a change:

 I believe in good quality products and find that particularly Morrocan Oil really does wonders for my hair. Pureology is still quite new for me but isn't bad either. Maybe just a little bit too heavy for my fine hair. Their hairspray though is perfect: Light & not at all sticky!

I love Korres products! Their animal friendly, unique and have the most wonderful smell! My favourite is Vanilla Cinnamon. The body lotion might be a bit too light for some of you, but especially for the summer it's great.

During winter time my skin needs a little more moisture. I used to use Lancome's Hydra Zen Nuit and Chanel's Beauté Initiale regular face cream for the day time, but they unfortunately discontinued the latter and I decided to look for something a little cheaper. I found a good alternative in Benefit's Total Moisture cream which got me through teh cold without so much as a dry spot. Now I'm looking for a lighter summer cream. Any suggestions?

Last but not least:

My one everlasting beauty product: Chanel'S Beauté Initiale Eye. It's perfect for mid-twens who are just starting to get into the whole anti-anging thing and want to take care of the fine skin around their eyes. This cream makes you're eyes look fitter and more awake and just gives you an overall good feeling. 

So, that's it for now. I'll be doing a make up post soon!

Thursday, 21 February 2013


Haha, now that's surely gonna sell well!

A new phone?

I've had my beloved Blackberry for about 5 years now and seeing as my contract is running out, I was thinking of getting a new phone. I'm really not a particularly cell-fixed person. Sometimes I go days without even looking at it. But I do appreciate a stylish phone and a decent camera. I had a Nokia in between but switched back to my Blackberry after a few days because I really missed it. 

So now I'm gonna have to choose what kind of mobile I want next. I do think the Iphone has it's advantages but far prefer the Blackberry looks-wise. This is going to be tough!


What I don't like about the Iphone is that everyone seems to have one and it's been hyped such a lot that I already feel a slight resentment towards it :-D 

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Tuesday morning

Today's breakfast: My favourite and very typical fruit salad and a coffee.
Now I'm off to the gym :)

Monday, 18 February 2013

Time for a treat

I was in the mood for something new today!  So after my workout routine I treated myself to a heavenly afternoon snack. It was made up of greek yogurt, frozen raspberries, chopped dark chocolate chunks, whipped vanilla cream and a drizzling of egg liqueur. Yeah, very decadent - I know! :-P You should try it sometime, it's divine!

Balenciaga Love

Balenciaga is one of my favourite brands. I love their edgy style and fine leather. Apart from accessories I also have a great white blouse. Very simple, but made of the softest material, with an absolutely perfect cut and - this is particularly important for a tall gal like me - long sleeves!

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Afternoon cosyness

After a day of hard work I am now ready to snuggle up on the couch with a good book and most importantly: CAKE! ;-) I've been so hungry today, I don't know what's got into me. I hate always thinking of food and as I never eat big portions, that's what it's been like today. Well, I guess one just has to give in to that sometimes - or be utterly frustrated. I chose the former :-P

Hope you're having a good day!

Yesterday's meals

"Schanzenfrühstück" - I opted for a French breakfast:
Croissant, Latte & apricot jam

Buffalo mozzarella, fresh basil, tomatoes - topped with creamy balsamic vinegar


Not pictured but completely delicious:
2 chocolate truffles (Latte Macchiato & Crème Brûlée)

Yesterday my boyfriend and I did a whole lot of cleaning and clearing up. I had been dreading going through the untidy guest room for quite some time. We still use it as kind of a closet, but want to turn it into a study. The kitchen cupboards needed a good clearing out, too, and whilst we were at it we started to go through the whole flat. It took us the entire day, but it was so worth it! I need my home cosy, tidy and clean, so this was really important and now I can start relaxing and enjoying a lazy sunday.
I didn't take photos of the flat, but I did pay attention to my meals. I was so in need of decent food what with all the moving around!

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Innen hui - Außen pfui!

Especially in grey times like these I really need colour around me.

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Pictures from last weekend

As soon as the sun comes out here, the city comes alive again and parks are full of people walking their dogs, jogging or carrying a to-go whilst happily chatting with their friends. Even water sports such as rowing or SUP (stand up paddling) are all the rage again although we only have +1 °C. I - as someone who goes out now matter what the wheather is like - am flabberghasted once again at what a difference at little bit of sunshine can make!