Monday, 26 November 2012



I haven't been feeling too good the last few weeks, so my blog got utterly neglected. But I'm back now and looking out at a sunny morning in Hamburg. Over the past few days I was out a lot on long walks and was surprised at how quickly things change in nature. It's like from one days to the next you find yourself in a completely new world.
This week will be about decorating and getting our flat ready for Christmas. Even though I'm not into the really big works, I do enjoy some old-fashioned decorating. I definately will get a nice wreath to put on the couch table. I love candles and this will replace our almost burned down one. 
Also, I am starting to buy christmas presents. And while it's really easy to find something nice for some people, for others you just can't think of the right thing. I'm against buying just for the sake of buying, so this will take some time and effort ;-)
What about you? Have you already gotten in the mood for christmas?

1 comment:

  1. Yummy!
    RE: Oh, that makes me so happy. Thank you so much, wonderful you!
    Hope you want to follow my blog and keep comment!
